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Amalie Chrysler ATF +4 Type Trans Fluid
Amalie Chrysler ATF +4 Type Trans Fluid Case of 12 (quart)

Amalie Chrysler ATF +4 Type Trans Fluid

AMA62886-56 (21 in stock)


Regular price €10,95 Sale

Amalie ATF +4® Transmission Fluid is formulated for all Chrysler cars and light trucks requiring ATF+®, ATF+2®, ATF+3®, or ATF+4®, and is designed to provide smooth performance in low and high temperatures.

Always follow equipment manufacturer’s fluid recommendations. ATF+4® is a registered trademark of the Chrysler Group LLC.

  • API Gravity: 31.5
  • Flash Point, °C: 190
  • Pour Point, °C: -40
  • Brookfield Viscosity cP. @ 40: <15,000
  • Viscosity cSt @ 100°C: 7.50
  • VI: 180
  • Viscosity cSt @ 40°C: 34.5
  • MPN: 62886-56