90racing was happy to attend the Chili Bowl. We have a short video from the stands. Yes, it was smoky inside the Tulsa Expo Center!
We got a chuckle about the different forms of haulers for the midget teams! From the largest of toters and tractor trailers, to just loading the midget in the back of a pick-up truck! That's just a few of the things that make the Chili Bowl interesting. Teams range from small to large, from budget to well funded. It all works. Much of the Chili Bowl comes down to luck.

A resourceful team decided to haul their car in the bed of their pick-up truck! We give this team a lot of credit for ingenuity!
Sammy Swindell had some tires for sale. One of the neat things about the Chili Bowl is the interaction between teams and fans.

Not to be undone, there are even engines for sale!

The pits are busy non-stop, from fans, team members and crew.
This is a shot of Keith Kunz adjusting the shocks on the midget driven by Kyle Larson.
Midgets on display waiting for their turn to qualify.
View from the stands.
Grandstands are full! It's best to buy advance tickets, but you can also buy them at the track. Many people, especially teams and crew, simply watch from the monitors inside the pits.
Oklahoma was bitter cold this year! The drive to and from the Chili Bowl was challenging for many travelers.

We are already looking forward to next year's Chili Bowl which is scheduled for January 12-18, 2025. See you then!