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Brad Penn Engine Assembly Lubricant 71055
Brad Penn Engine Assembly Lube 71055
Brad Penn Engine Assembly Lubricant 71055 (Case of 12)

Brad Penn Engine Assembly Lubricant

BPO71055 (12 in stock)

PennGrade Motor Oil

Regular price $6.99 Sale

PennGrade high performance engine assembly lubricant is a premium high-viscosity blend specifically designed to offer additional protection for green moving surfaces in engine assembly applications. It provides higher load-carrying ability and excellent surface film protection to prevent wear in highly stressed internal components.

The lubricant is readily miscible with all types of mineral-based and synthetic engine oils. It does not contain solids such as molybdenum or graphite, which can cause clumping and/or oil filter plugging. PennGrade high performance engine assembly lubricant is recommended as a prelube for valvetrain components, including cam lobes, lifters, wrist pins, rod bearings, main bearings, and more!

  • Assembly Lube
  • Engine Assembly Lubricant
  • Conventional
  • 6 oz Bottle 


Brand PennGrade
Part Number 71055
Intended Purpose
Engine Assembly
Conventional / Synthetic
6 oz